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Fantasy Farming: Orange Season Full Crack [addons]


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game Orange Season is a farm-life RPG focused on exploration and different gameplay mechanics. It's a game you can play for hundreds of hours and you'll always have something new to discover.Game Features:High focus on exploration, with many hand crafted areas (mountains, forests, caves, deserts, lakes and much more).Town festivals.Raise animals and plant crops on your farm.Tame wild animals and bring them to your farm.Increase your friendship with the town's villagers by interacting to them and completing quests.Farm customizationOpen Code: The whole game code is available with the game, so modders can change anything they want.Mod System: Every single detail of the game can be modified by installing mods on them.Companion System: You can ask a villager to hang out with you. They will follow you and participate in the things you do.Upcoming Features:Several festivals inspired by real life festivities from around the world.More than 30 different types of animals.Marriage system with dozens of potential spouses (regardless of gender).Rival Marriage system, where you can influence who ends up with who.Several minigames. b4d347fde0 Title: Fantasy Farming: Orange SeasonGenre: Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:Hudell TalesPublisher:Hudell TalesRelease Date: 21 Apr, 2017 Fantasy Farming: Orange Season Full Crack [addons] fantasy farming orange season igg. fantasy farming orange season download free. fantasy farming orange season vs stardew valley. fantasy farming orange season big blue crystal. fantasy farming orange season cave puzzle. fantasy farming orange season apk. fantasy farming orange season bachelors. fantasy farming orange season cheats. fantasy farming orange season mods. fantasy farming orange season crack. fantasy farming orange season cheat engine. fantasy farming orange season stardew valley. fantasy farming orange season lucas. fantasy farming orange season guide. fantasy farming orange season devon. fantasy farming orange season hammer. fantasy farming orange season romance. fantasy farming orange season money. fantasy farming orange season blue crystal. fantasy farming orange season benjamin. fantasy farming orange season gifts. fantasy farming orange season steam. fantasy farming orange season fishing rod. fantasy farming orange season lag. fantasy farming orange season forest. fantasy farming orange season wiki. fantasy farming orange season ancient ruins. fantasy farming orange season free download. fantasy farming orange season marriage. fantasy farming orange season pc download. fantasy farming orange season old key. fantasy farming orange season walkthrough. fantasy farming orange season download. fantasy farming orange season chicken. fantasy farming orange season desert. fantasy farming orange season update. fantasy farming orange season tasks. fantasy farming orange season mushrooms. fantasy farming orange season axe. fantasy farming orange season map. fantasy farming orange season viktor. fantasy farming orange season animals. fantasy farming orange season cooking. fantasy farming orange season crops. fantasy farming orange season facebook. fantasy farming orange season blue boots. fantasy farming orange season recipes. fantasy farming orange season boots. fantasy farming orange season download pt br. fantasy farming orange season annie. fantasy farming orange season characters. fantasy farming orange season. fantasy farming orange season iron ore. fantasy farming orange season sprinkler. fantasy farming orange season jasmine. fantasy farming orange season trainer. fantasy farming orange season tools. fantasy farming orange season pt-br. fantasy farming orange season reddit. fantasy farming orange season fishing. fantasy farming orange season mine puzzle. fantasy farming orange season banana. fantasy farming orange season blacksmith. fantasy farming orange season marriage candidates. fantasy farming orange season android. fantasy farming orange season find pom. fantasy farming orange season rooster. fantasy farming orange season review It has a lot of promise, and I find it enjoyable so far, though there are a few times when the text scrolled too fast or there was slight lag...That being said, it's a pretty good farming sim for an early access game and I hope to see it grow more C:. I've played about almost all the way through the first month. Time of Writing is around patch .3 . The game has so much love from the creator, Hudell. The game feels pretty familiar to HM:FoM in terms of focus. Got a farm, got some seeds, will plant and damn if anyone plans to get in the way. Starting out you go through the struggle of managing stamina while you try not to pass out while planting some potatos. It's the usual, which is pleasant. The music is pleasant and never feels really out of place. I still need to listen to the rest of the seasons. The spring has this upbeat flute and piano piece which I've caught myself humming along with without really realizing it. AT night the music becomes calm, reminescent of a quiet night in the country. I noticed there's not a lot of sound during rain. . Hudell has noted there plans to be more variation of music throughout the day so maybe around then there'll be more ambient noises during rainy days. There's nice variety currently with the animals. For each animal you have a selection of colors for each of them so you cankeep control of your perfect all white chicken coop or if you want to have a menagerie of different colored fowls. Did i mention you can also have a yak? In true fashion you can also have a pet dog (maybe a cat in the future? who knoooows) whom I didn't know could turn into the most adorable set of pixels when I picked it up.Last thing, that I think is the most important part of the game is its art. Houses look generally Housey. The thing that struck me the most about the art is that it really looks like a contryish type of village. Dirt in places, trees all over, the occasional annoying rock that I'm totally gonna smash if my stamina wasn't too low. There isn't portraits for the characters at the moment, however Hudell has shared some artwork on his discord and they look absolutely gorgeous with a very unique look to them.This definitely is a game worth at the very least keepign an eye on. Hudell has so many ideas and plans for the game that I think will allow for a unique experience. Plus you can have a guy legitmately tell you to stomp your crops if they sass you, same guy also asked me for milk to fix his furniture. Many of the characters stand out so well just from their personality, be it questionable farming advice to me questioning why does my doctor want to me get hurt.. Played this demo and I am impressed with game so far. I hope to see more of it updates...options of mod is open. I kind hope map details are expained though. Gameplay is kind like Harvest moon but they allowed Mouse usage which speed up quite lot. Tools I wonder just how many more other tools will there be??materials gathering is endless...just relationship and gifting I have yet discover it.. not a full review or anything bc i haven't played it that much. it hasn't really struck me as good or bad necessarily, just a little bit clunky. not playing anymore for now but hopefully when it's out of early access it'll be earier to pick up.opening menu has an annoying issue where every time you set the name of anything you need to type you have to choose the type of keyboard each time. doesnt sound like a big issue but it got irritating tbhcontrols / pace is a lil clunky, if there's a map i haven't been able to figure it out. control of tools and inventory is really strangely set up, not sure how i feel about their fatigue/stamina system and there doesn't seem to be noticeable sprite differences with, say, watering your crops. and bc the controls are kind of loosey goosey you can't be sure if you watered your crop or not. feels a little empty and glitchy for the moment. not sure if i want to refund it and pick it up again when i'm in a better financial place and it's further along yet so staying under that 2 hr max for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also idk if there's any other customization options but i hope so. i also couldn't figure out how to fullscreen it? the menu's also a little bit. clunky so you almost end up feeling kind of closed in and lost. but theres just like a lot of moving parts so i don't fault it for any of this rly either like?? it's pretty and stuff and i definitely think it ~will~ get there. it's just early on. v excited about their upcoming features like marriage and rival marriage especially. rly into the idea of pairing everyone up in lgbt relationships and always wanted that in similar games.. I'm really enjoying this game. Even though it's in the beta version, there are already enough cool things to do. I can not wait for the final version. The developer is very considerate and receptive as well.. I adore this game! For an early access game it is an outstanding. I love the peaceful atmosphere and just all around enjoy the game. Definitely recommend this game!. Karl can go choke on a walnut, nobody likes Karl: That's why he lives all alone in the cemetery amongst all the ded n decay. And I'm pretty sure Chloe is in on some shady business with him too. Sometimes I see them real conniving n whatnot, huddled up close and all hush-hush, right beside the restaurant, too, real sweeney tod kinda stuff, you know? I dunno guys, I wouldn't trust their hamburgers anyhow. Be safe kids, eat the pizza. He walks around with his gravedigging apparel; just be wary of the scary. Sum real spooky stuff about to go down, I can feel it. Karl can go suck a walnut; but he aint diggin no hole for me!. Developer is responsive and regularly updates. It's worth my money even though its still in EA. Love the music!. so pretty and engaging!. I've been following this game for quite awhile now, with the promise of characters you can marry off and a solid farming system. It's taken me longer than I'd like, but I finally bought it, and am glad I did! The game is fully playable, with a town filled with characters, mines to explore, and a good amount to do. I'm already addicted to the farming and mining system, and have fallen into the gamer trap of "Just one more day!!!" ...Two hours and three days later, I'm still playing it. The game is still not finished, and right now, that's most evident by the characters. Their dialogue is solid and their characterization very promising, but you can tell they still have a lot more progress to go in giving them full arcs and characterization. However, the developer is very active, and as I can tell from experience, very responsive to the community and sounds like a great person! (Thanks so much for all their hard work! :D :D :D ) Pros: (The dev has said there are many more developments to come--I'm especially looking forward to the story and rival marriages--but in the name of fairness, I am only listing the pros available as of this update). + User-interface. I've heard some complaints that the UI is difficult, but I've found it pretty easy, actually. I'm guessing updates have been made, but it took me only a day or so before I learned the controls. The item/tool bars are simple and easily accessible, and you can find everything else you need neatly organized in the one Menu screen.+ Solid game mechanics. As mentioned before, the game is fully playable, and the farming/mining systems are solid and easily addicting. + Little handholding but good support. The game doesn't bog you down with days' worth of tutorials like in Harvest Moon, but it gives you enough to start with to begin, and the game itself is pretty intuitive if you've played any Harvest Moon games at all. Also, the game is fairly forgiving, since if you tire yourself out, you can just pick fruit around the areas to refill your stamina. This does encourage you to plan ahead, though, so you stock up on food if you're expecting to do a large bulk of work.+ Balanced. So far, everything from the prices to the stamina to the mining chances seem balanced. If you work hard/long enough, you'll get what you need in a fair amount of time, without it feeling too easy.+ Great dev! Again, the dev is active and helpful, and has really taken the time to listen to the community to provide a promising game for all those Harvest Moon and Rune Factory fans.+ Characters. The characters are still in the Early-Access stages, but from what I can tell so far, their dialogue seems pretty solid (if somewhat limited since, again, Early-Access), and they seem to have a lot of potential. I also like how your character actually speaks, instead of just nodding their head with chat bubbles popping above their heads. I can understand if this feature isn't for everyone, but for me, I feel like it gives you more depth, and leads to some humorous moments in the game. If anyone has gone far enough in the mine yet, the dev does have a good sense of humor. * Artwork/Music. The artwork is good and gives the game character, and the music is nice to listen to and really sets the peaceful mood you're looking for in a farming game. Cons: (Please keep in mind this game is still in Early Access, so I suspect many of these 'cons' will be fixed over the course of the game's development. The fact that there's so few of them I can find is saying something, too). - No map (yet!). It took me a bit to get oriented in the game, since the layout in some areas are a bit difficult to navigate (for example, the mine area has a lot of mountains where you have to take staircases to make your way up), but I DID get used to it, and am finding my way alright now. A map would still be helpful for references, though.- No character portraits (yet). I know this is a very late-stage development for games, so please take that into account, but I do miss not being able to see the characters' portraits. They would really help bring the characters to life, and can tell the player so much about them just from the visuals. If you're looking for a finished, polished game, I would suggest holding off on purchasing the game for now, but definitely keep a close eye on it, since it's brimming with potential. However, if you want to support the dev and reward their amazing and much appreciated hard work, then GET THE GAME! It may not be 100% done yet, but it's completely playable and already addicting. I'm looking forward to what else is in the store!


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