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Rebel Galaxy Download Youtube


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game Rebel Galaxy is a swashbuckling space adventure, with action-packed combat, exploration, discovery, trade, and “negotiation” with the outlandish denizens at the edge of the known universe.As the commander of an immensely powerful star destroyer, you’ll battle pirates, explore anomalies, befriend aliens, scavenge battle wreckage, mine asteroids, and discover artifacts. Choose your path as a roguish do-gooder, crafty space-trader or power-hungry privateer – or maybe a little of each! Buy larger and more powerful craft with your hard-earned credits, and outfit them with a variety of wicked weapons and defenses. Set in a galaxy of fantastic sights, and secrets to be found, Rebel Galaxy is above all a space epic of adventure, exploration, and combat.The edge of the universe is a pretty dangerous place, so watch your back.rières. 7aa9394dea Title: Rebel GalaxyGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:Double Damage GamesPublisher:Double Damage GamesRelease Date: 20 Oct, 2015 Rebel Galaxy Download Youtube As a Freelancer Fan I can fully recommend this one. This has been the first game for a long time that gave me this "freelancer"feeling. I\u00b4d just wished the campaign to be a bit longer. The country soundtrack adds a unique flair of "space truckin" give it a try, it\u00b4s appropiately priced:). This is a good game, that with some minor tweaks could be great. This game has so many things right, it has trading, fighting, travel, beautiful scenery, new ships, new weapons, all the pieces are here. BUT it's missing the fun parts, it didn't accomplish that. From World of Worldcraft to Farmville, there are 3 seconds of fun that you keep repeating, because that game mechanic is fun. Okay, so this game has boring mining, but that's to be expected, what game has fun mining. Star Citizen probably will, but who knows when that game will come out. But the lack of fun in combat is the obvious sore point. Don't get me wrong, it's almost there, but it doesn't quite hit the mark. And I'm cool with the 2D plane too, as long as it's fun, I don't care. At times it's fun, but here's what it's lacking. The feedback is terrible. You know when you get hit, but you really don't know the extent of the damage. Sometimes I think I escaped combat relatively unscathed only to find I suffered a lot of damage when I returned to port and almost lost my broadsides. There should be clearer indicators both visual and audio letting you know when your hull is getting damaged (not just your shields). You should also be able to focus your shields in particular direction or redirect energy from weapons to shields, just like in star wars games. Also, enemies seem to be too easy or way too hard. Way to hard means, you shoot at them and you do no damage. That's not hard, that's just lame. That forces you to run away, vs try and rise up to the challenge. I am so hungry for a good space game. This game is almost there, but without exciting combat it is missing a whole lot. And trading via commodities is not fully fleshed out either. It's really hard to determine what current pricing is in different systems. Maybe if I nerded out and wrote all this information down, but it'd be better if it was in game and the in game info is never accurate. This game is so close to just losing yourself and flying through space. Maybe it's the best game currently out that achieves this and it has a cool soundtrack too, which makes you feel like a space trucker. That being said, a little love on making combat a richer experience would make this game a 10. I really wanted to like this game, but I just can't get myself to like it so much that I want to play it. It's just go there, then there, pick up this, deliver there. The combat is ok, but its all 2D with 3D graphics, not enough to keep me having fun for 20 hours +There is almost no community for this game, I found only one really shallow wiki because it was a couple of things I wanted to check out, but little luck. That surprised me a bit because it has 5300 reviews which are "Very Positive".There is also some interaction with various NPCs around the galaxy, who give missions and bounties. The game has a certain style you need to really like to enjoy this game, like for example the music, which isn't exactly my kind of music, it's this cowboyish southern style, it can be cool, but not when its constant for hours.. One of my favorite space sims. Its easy to get into and play and you can get lost in the simplicity. My only issue with it is that I tend to forget to sleep if I play for too long. Beware that this is NOT a full blown first person space sim. Its more like World of Warships in space meets a single player RPG. Good Luck on your adventure!. Despite being in space, combat is best thought of being old school sailing where you line up the side of your ship to the enemy to do damage. Tho there are turrets which are mostly for attacking the smaller fighters, the bulk of your damage is going to be the ol' broadside barrage against the other frigates. The soundtrack is rocking, but after quite a few hours, the same tracks repeating over and over does get old. Too bad they never had the chance to extend the catalog. The story line is your typical space trope filled adventure and there is a limited trading system, its just best to focus on combat, pick up the best spoils of war and selling it.


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